We need youR Support!

As a non-profit organization, our ministry is shaped by the generous support of people like you - support that has proven essential, especially in the recent year.  Would you join us by making a donation to further God's work at Somerset Beach Campground?  Every gift, no matter the size, makes a significant impact. We've witnessed time and time again how God multiplies even the smallest gifts into blessings.

The button below directs you to make a one-time or recurring gift by ACH or by credit card. Contributions can also be by sending a check to:  

Somerset Beach Campground

P.O. Box 307

Somerset Center, MI 49282

Other Ways to Support Our Ministry

Your generosity doesn’t have to end with a monetary gift. There are numerous ways you can contribute to the growth and success of our camp's ministry that go beyond a traditional donation. Each form of support, whether it's through prayer, item donations, or sharing your time, plays a crucial role in our mission to transform lives through faith and fellowship.

Explore below to find more ways you can make a difference and be a part of this story. Together, we can continue to create a welcoming and a space for all those who come to our camp to experience God.

  • Join our prayer journey

    We believe in the transformative power of prayer and invite you to join us in our preparation.

    During this 8-week prayer journey you'll receive weekly prayer prompts that focus on praising God's work, staff growth, evangelism, and much more, as we embark on the camping season. Let's pray together for a summer that glorifies God with joyful laughter, meaningful conversations, and transformative hearts.


  • donate an item

    Enhance our ministry by donating specific items from our Amazon Wishlist. Each gift supports transformative faith-based experiences at Somerset Beach Campground and Retreat Center. 

    Yes, I'll donate an item

  • volunteer your time

    We deeply appreciate our volunteers, whose talents help us steward God's resources wisely by filling vital roles at SBC. Consider joining us with your gifts and skills to make a significant impact. Your support is invaluable to our mission and community.